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Green Tomato Quick Bread

Did you rush out and pick all your green tomatoes when you heard the word "frost" on the news? We did. We now have boxes of green tomatoes slowly ripening in the basement.

Luckily for us, Katina has this great recipe to help use up those green tomatoes.

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A Recipe Idea for Your Green Tomatoes

By Katina Provencal

Do you have lots of green tomatoes left over in your garden like I do? Here is a yummy way to use them up.

Green Tomato Quick Bread


● 2 cups sugar

● 1 cup vegetable oil

● 2 eggs

● 1 tbsp vanilla extract

● 1 tsp salt

● 1 tbsp cinnamon

● 1 tsp baking soda

● ¼ tsp baking powder

● 3 cups flour

● 2 cups green tomatoes (diced)


● Preheat oven to 350 degrees

● Grease the bottom of two loaf pans

● In a bowl, combine sugar and oil - mix well

● Add eggs, vanilla and salt - mix well

● Add cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder - mix well

● Slowly add flour until completely combined - mixture will be thick

● Add diced tomatoes and stir well - mixture will thin out from the moisture of the tomatoes

● Pour ½ of the batter into each loaf pan

● Bake 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean

● Cool for 5 minutes, remove from pans and cool on a rack

Extra loaves can be frozen for a later date. Enjoy!

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